
Kathryn McKenzie is the author of Throw Your Scale Away! Reclaiming the True Meaning of Health and Fitness.
Is it time to re-examine your perception of health and fitness? Throw Your Scale Away! Reclaiming the True Meaning of Health and Fitness contains thought-provoking and humorous stories to highlight how measurements and expectations can affect your feelings and behaviours with regards to healthy living. This book is designed to help you discover refreshing insights, practical ideas, and sustainable solutions to help you focus on what is really important for true health and happiness.
What others are saying about 'Throw Your Scale Away!'...
'The first few pages had me hooked!' - Dermot M
'I just finished this book and I loved it! Super funny, well-written, and very enjoyable to read.' - Brent L
'I like how your book puts emphasis on changing our perspective - you need to write another book!' - Nathalie P
'Fantastic read, very informative. I enjoyed the way it read and made me think from a different perspective' - Dave J
'I can't put it down, such a great read!' - Melissa S
Or contact the author directly if you would like to get a signed copy:
Kathryn McKenzie -

$1 from each copy of Throw Your Scale Away! Reclaiming the True Meaning of Health and Fitness‘ by Kathryn McKenzie will be donated to various charities that support health & wellness.

In case you missed it...

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